Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rules (READ)

These are some rules I would like everyone to follow:

1. No Spamming, Profanity, 18+, Negative Comments

2. No asking for individual links to your personal email please because the purpose of this website is to share and make links available to EVERYONE!!! Unless otherwise told...

3. When you are eporting a broken link please be specific....
BROKEN LINK: Please state the drama and which episodes/ part... I will not update it unless you tell me which episode/ part

4. NO HOTLINKING LINKS!!! Some of the links belong to other people and we need to respect that... SO DO NOT POST THEM ON OTHER WEBSITES WITHOUT PERMISSION... you can get permission at ALSO DO NOT POST OTHER LINKS ON THE SITE... The links on this site are monitored for other peoples safety, I need to approve of links before they are posted... If you would like to submit something to be posted please email me @

5. NO ASKING FOR MIRROR LINKS OR SPECIFIC FORMATS OR SPECIFIC UPLOAD SITES (.avi, .rmvb, softsub, hardsub) because then it will take a loooonnnng time to post and I personally don't have the time to do it.... YOU CAN ONLY ASK FOR MIRROR LINKS FOR INDIVIDUAL SONGS AND SUB FILES... Once sendspace links are expired we will NOT put more of them up unless they are the only links ... (READ NOTE #3 FOR MORE INFORMATION)


Here are some clairifactions that I would like to clairify...

1. CLAIRIFICATION: Just to let people know.... I am not always the person who upload these things...I am not the one uploading the drama... I upload mainly the music on the site... So please respect the people who are... I ask for permission to post it on this site...

2. CLAIRIFICATION: We do not post any HK or China things on this website because most of it is licenced in North America so please do not ask us to... we may be able to send it to you via email... just email us about it... Contact information can be found on the Contact Us post...

3. CLAIFICATION: I am asking people to please refrain from using anonymous names... Please pick a screen name to use while commenting... you can pick the Name/URL option... You don't even need to put an url.. This way I can address people better to their issues...


THIS ONE IS A NOTE: We are not resposible for reuploading any links that we do not have.... so you might just have to download the same thing with another server... it sometimes might be split differently so you might have to download everything again... to prevent this just check if the links are still working for all parts first... we are terribly sorry if this happens

THIS ONE IS A NOTE: (MAINLY FOR TAIWANESE DRAMAS) We, the people who establish this site, do not SUB any drama... We ask for permission from the subbers to display it on the site... Please DO NOT ask us to sub dramas because we do not do that and it is very time consuming... And please do not ask us for subs because there might not be any... The subbers hold veto power on which dramas to sub..

I am sort of tired of telling people this so...
Alldramafanatic uses Megaupload links for that Megaupload links are more reliable... We don't need to reupload as much as Sendspace or even Rapidshare...
So please DO NOT ASK US TO PUT UP SENDSPACE LINKS or REUPLOAD ANY SENDSPACE LINKS UNLESS THOSE ARE THE ONLY LINKS.... PLEASE USE THE MEGAUPLOAD LINKS.... I know that Megaupload has a download limit but you must live with it since 85% of all uploaders use Megaupload..... Sorry for any inconvenience..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to clairify, are there any virises on these links?